
3 AM Thoughts in time of Quarantine

I still have not figured out life yet but I sure did come across some interesting life philosophies - be it Stoicism, Affirmation or whatnot. I take what works for me from the different philosophies and make it mine. I am not quite there yet but at least I am no longer in a dark place. Dark and Troubling things still happen to me but I am learning to observe my emotions instead of immediately acting on them, not 100% all the time though.  I realized that I was immensely hurting from the loss of my mom and that whole experience from the time she was ill to her last moments, I could never go back to my old self again.  A part of me died with her. Everything went south ever since then, I made so many rash decisions without taking into consideration how others would feel, I was addicted to whatever brought relief to all the pain that I could not verbalize.  Life is still good no matter how broken I may be inside. I am no princess that needs rescuing, I can do that ...
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